Silberbüchse - Victorian Silverflint

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil...

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil...



First Person Breakdown

First Person Breakdown

Refined Version

Refined Version





This concept for a vampire hunter’s weapon was inspired by the explosion of gun designs that sprung out of engineering breakthroughs during the 1600s, in particular the German “Faustrohr” model. This gun is intended as a side arm alongside a primary melee weapon. Due to its slow reload time it is intended to act as a saving grace during tight combat scenarios. As a vampire hunter’s weapon, it uses blessed silver bullets.
While creating this concept I used a blockout in Maya to verify design elements and solve silhouette problems in first person. It was later reused to create the breakdown pages. In total, 4 weeks of half-time production.